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بازدید : 242
11 زمان : 1399:2

كتاب How to make  a great conversation and small talk  ( آموزش مكالمه خوب به زبان انگليسي )

كتاب How to make a great conversation and small talk ( آموزش مكالمه خوب به زبان انگليسي )

يكي از موارد آموزشي در حين يادگيري زبان انگليسي، آموختن تكنيك هايي براي ايجاد مكالمه اي مناسب به شرايط خود است كه در اين كتاب مي توانيد آن ها را بياموزيد و در شرايط خود به نحو عالي به كار ببريد.

بازدید : 139
11 زمان : 1399:2

دانلود مجموعه مقاله ، تحقيق و فايل آموزشي: جعبه دنده و سيستم انتقال نيرو ( Gearbox and Transmission )

دانلود مجموعه مقاله ، تحقيق و فايل آموزشي: جعبه دنده و سيستم انتقال نيرو ( Gearbox and Transmission )

موتور اتومبيل به تنهايي قادر نيست در تمام شرايط رانندگي نيرو و سرعت لازم را براي چرخها فراهم نمايد.زيرا قدرتي كه بتواند جوابگوي احتياجات خودرو باشد در زمانهاي مختلف بطور وسيعي تغيير مي كند. براي انتقال قدرت توليدي موتور به چرخهاي محرك دستگاهها و مكانيزمهاي متعددي بكار گرفته مي شوند. اين مجموعه كه در فاصله موتور و چرخهاي محرك جاي دارند سيستم انتقال نيرو ناميده مي شوند.

در اين مجموعه 50 فايل با موضوع گيربكس ( جعبه دنده ) و سيستم انتقال قدرت براي دانلود آماده شده است.

موضوعاتي مانند:

آشنايي با سيستم انتقال نيرو ، ساختمان جعبه دنده اتوماتيك ، CVT ، بهينه سازي جعبه دنده ، عيب يابي و تعمير ، طراحي گيربكس ، انواع ديفرانسيل ، سيستم انتقال قدرت خودرو هاي هيبريدي ، مديريت تعويض دنده ، سيستم چرخدنده هاي خورشيدي ، كلاچ ، ميل گاردان و ....

دانلود و مطالعه اين بسته جامع براي نگارش پروژه و پايان نامه در مورد سيستم هاي انتقال نيرو و طراحي جعبه دنده (گيربكس) بسيار مفيد و كاربردي خواهد بود.

حجم كل : 74.5 مگابايت ( سه فايل فشرده zip )

فرمت : PDF , PPT , DOC

زبان : فارسي

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بازدید : 147
11 زمان : 1399:2




اين مقاله به زبان انگليسي بوده و ترجمه آن نيز در سايت قرار گرفته است براي دانشجوياني كه به دنبال منبع معتبر مقاله مي باشند اين امكان را قرار داديم تا با مراجعه به اين مقاله از آن استفاده كنند.

بازدید : 49
11 زمان : 1399:2

Separation of Asphaltenes and Lube Oil from Petroleum Residuum  جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماند  آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

Separation of Asphaltenes and Lube Oil from Petroleum Residuum جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماند آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

مقاله انگليسي به همراه ترجمه فارسي

جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماند توسط آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

Separation of Asphaltenes and Lube Oil from Petroleum
Residuum by Supercritical Deasphalting
V. O. C. Cárdenas*, E. T. Koroishi, F. A. B. Quirino, F.W.R Rivarola, E. A. Boss,
G.W.C. Oliveira, M. R. Wolf Maciel, R. Maciel Filho and L.C. Medina1
State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Laboratory of Optimization, Design and
Advanced Control – LOPCA, P.O.box: 6066 – Zip Code 13081-970 –
Campinas – SP – Brazil, phone: +55 19 37883971, fax: +55 19 37883965,
(1) Processos Valoração de Petróleo, CENPES/PDP/TPAP/PETROBRAS
*author to whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail address:
Due to the limited global oil reserves, more and more heavy crudes are being processed.
These crudes contain large amounts of asphaltenes and resins. The Residuum Oil
Supercritical Extraction (ROSE™) process is the premier deasphalting technology
available in industry today. This state-of-the-art process extracts high-quality
deasphalted oil (DAO) and asphaltenes from atmospheric or vacuum residues and other
feedstocks. Depending on the solvent selection, the DAO can be an excellent feedstock
for catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, or lube oil blending. The energy consumption in
supercritical extraction is considerably lower than in conventional extraction, which
requires a higher ratio of solvent to crude. The use of supercritical fluid has some
advantages such as higher yield and improved quality of the valuable DAO and
asphaltenes product, and recovery of supercritical solvent, reducing significantly
operating غير مجاز مي باشدts compared to other solvent deasphalting processes. This work presents a
new method for petroleum deasphalting. This new proposal involves the extraction of
the residue fractions of the vacuum distillation using supercritical pentane as solvent.
The development of the deasphaltation technology using supercritical fluid appears as a
solution to improve the separation of the deasphalted oil (ODEs) from the asphaltenes.
The studied process showed that there was an improvement in both amount and quality
of the obtained products (DAO and asphaltenes

جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماندتوسط آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

به علت محدود شدن ذخاير نفت جهاني، نفت هاي خام سنگين بيشتر و بيشتر مورد پردازش قرار گرفته است. اين نفت هاي خام مقادير زيادي آسفالتين و رزين در بر دارند. امروزه فرايند استخراج فوق بحراني نفت باقيمانده (ROSE™) برترين تكنولوژي قابل استفادهدر صنايع است.اين فرايند نفت بدون آسفالتين (DAO) و آسفالتين ها را از باقيمانده هاي اتمسفري يا خلا و ديگر مواد اوليه استخراج مي كند. بسته به انتخاب حلال DAO مي تواند خوراك بسيار عالي براي كراكينگ كاتاليزوري، هيدروكراكينگ ويا مخلوط روغن موتور باشد. مصرف انرژي در استخراج فوق بحراني به طور قابل توجهي پايين تر از استخراج مرسوم است كه نيازمند نسبت بالاتري از حلال به نفت خام مي باشد. استفاده از سيال فوق بحراني مزايايي از جمله بازدهي بالاتر ،بهبود كيفيت DAO و آسفالتين هاي باارزش محصول ، بازيابي حلال فوق بحراني، كاهش قابل توجه هزينه هاي عملياتي در مقايسه با ديگر حلال هاي فرايند آسفالتين زدايي دارد.اين كار ارائه يك روش جديد براي آسفالتين زدايي نفت است. اين پيشنهاد جديد، استخراج بخش پسماند تقطير تحت خلا با استفاده از پنتان فوق بحراني به عنوان حلال را شامل مي شود. به نظر مي رسد توسعه تكنولوژي آسفالتين زدايي با استفاده از سيال فوق بحراني، به عنوان يك راهكار براي بهبود جداسازي نفت دي آسفالته از آسفالتين ها مطرح شده است. فرايند مورد مطالعه بهبود در مقدار و كيفيت محصولات به دست آمده (DAO و آسفالتين ها) را نشان داد.

بازدید : 58
11 زمان : 1399:2

European Communities Health and Safety Legislation

European Communities Health and Safety Legislation

A.C. Neal, F.B. Wright
Routledge, Jan 16, 2006 - Science - 432 pages - pdf

This important new book presents the background to the modern programme of European Community initiatives, tracing the origins of a European policy on occupational health and safety, and looking at the progressively expanding ambitions of Commission Action Programmes in this field.

بازدید : 52
11 زمان : 1399:2

بازدید : 136
11 زمان : 1399:2

Corporate Safety Compliance: OSHA, Ethics, and the Law

Corporate Safety Compliance: OSHA, Ethics, and the Law

Thomas D. Schneid
CRC Press, Apr 22, 2008 - Law - 336 pages - pdf

Safety and health professionals face potential legal and ethical issues on an almost daily basis. In a landscape of changing responsibilities and new laws, they often make difficult decisions that can result, in hindsight, in the creation of legal issues and liabilities for themselves and their companies. Written by occupational health and safety expert Ton Schneid, Corporate Safety Compliance: OSHA, Ethics, and the Law provides guidance though the maze of legal issues involving OSHA and OSHRC and how to avoid potential legal liability.

Tackling safety and ethical issues head on, Schneid explores issues in criminal liability for individuals and corporations under the OSHA Act and state criminal codes. He includes methods for achieving and maintaining OSHA compliance, using specific case studies to illustrate ways to avoid or minimize the impact of legal issues. The text addresses not only OSHA regulations and standards but also the legal aspects up to and including OSHRC decisions on specific issues. Additionally, the author examines the ethical issues involved in many of the legal aspects of the safety issues as well as ethical issues in the day-to-day management of safety and health.

The mere mention of the word OSHA scares many people. Often, OSHA has been the much maligned federal agency that was the brunt of attacks from both management and labor organizations. Tom Schneid elucidates the potential legal and ethical issues of the new industrialized workplace. His proactive approach helps you avoid or minimize potential liabilities, where possible, but also gives you the tools to be prepared and knowledgeable in the unique appellate process with OSHA and the OSHRC.

بازدید : 136
11 زمان : 1399:2

A Bibliographic Guide to North American Industry: History, Health, and Hazardous Waste

A Bibliographic Guide to North American Industry: History, Health, and Hazardous Waste

Dale A. Stirling
Scarecrow Press, Mar 26, 2009 - Nature - 324 pages - pdf

With a view toward the heritage of North American Industry, A Bibliographic Guide to North American Industry: History, Health, and Hazardous Waste provides recommended readings in historical and contemporary literature related to the origins of specific industries, the health and safety issues they face, and how they manage waste and prevent pollution. It encompasses three areas of industry that are critical to understanding the whole of industry: historical development, protection of worker health, and management of associated hazardous substances and materials.

This publication serves the reference needs of researchers examining issues of historical development of industry, worker exposure to hazardous substances and materials, and historic and contemporary management of hazardous wastes. The book is unique in using the North American Industrial Classification System as a framework for organizing bibliographic entries. Attorneys, historians, economists, and all others interested in historical and contemporary issues facing North American industry find here a useful and important resource.

بازدید : 52
11 زمان : 1399:2

Health and Safety Pocket Book

Health and Safety Pocket Book

Jeremy Stranks
Routledge, Mar 14, 2007 - Technology & Engineering - 464 pages - pdf

The Health and Safety Pocket Book is a handy reference tool for practising health and safety professionals, auditors, managers, HR personnel, employee representatives and anyone with health and safety responsibilities.

It is an essential compilation of guidance, data and checklists covering a wide range of health and safety topics, supported by extensive key glossary terms. The A-Z arrangement within the chapters and extensive cross-referencing make the book easy to navigate, while its size and scope make it the ideal volume for ready reference and site visits. The book will also be useful for health and safety courses at all levels.

Key features include:

    • The principal health and safety legal requirements for every industry
    • Safety management elements and systems
    • Checklists for major hazards affecting all industries
    • A wealth of charts, hard to remember details and data
    • A glossary of the main concepts of health and safety
  • A list of important health and safety courses, publications and organisations

بازدید : 88
11 زمان : 1399:2

The A-Z of Health and Safety

The A-Z of Health and Safety

Jeremy W. Stranks
Thorogood Publishing, 2006 - Business & Economics - 637 pages - pdf

The A-Z of Health and Safety is a major new reference work by an acknowledged expert in an area of crucial importance to every British organization, large and small, private and public. With over 100 entries arranged in an accessible index format, this extensive and fully up to date book covers everything that the Health & Safety professional needs to know in order to conform with both the law and best practice.

Health and safety law and practice has changed considerably in recent years. We live in an increasingly litigious society and managers and owners face a growing number of responsibilities and obligations. With its risk assessment-based approach, this book provides a clear, expert summary of the law, issues, risks and obligations under each of the topics covered.

The range of entries is extensive and the guidance both expert and practical. This book will prove a constant source of reference and assurance to health and safety specialists across industry and commerce, HR professionals, engineering managers, lawyers, environmental health officers, safety representatives, lecturers and trainers and all those studying for degree level and NEBOSH qualifications. In addition, it will be invaluable to managers of organizations which do not have a health and safety or HR manager but who nevertheless need to know where they stand and what to do.


تعداد صفحات : 411

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  • بازدید سال : 37892
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