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بازدید : 95
11 زمان : 1399:2

بازدید : 148
11 زمان : 1399:2




اين مقاله به زبان انگليسي بوده و ترجمه آن نيز در سايت قرار گرفته است براي دانشجوياني كه به دنبال منبع معتبر مقاله مي باشند اين امكان را قرار داديم تا با مراجعه به اين مقاله از آن استفاده كنند.

بازدید : 49
11 زمان : 1399:2

Separation of Asphaltenes and Lube Oil from Petroleum Residuum  جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماند  آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

Separation of Asphaltenes and Lube Oil from Petroleum Residuum جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماند آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

مقاله انگليسي به همراه ترجمه فارسي

جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماند توسط آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

Separation of Asphaltenes and Lube Oil from Petroleum
Residuum by Supercritical Deasphalting
V. O. C. Cárdenas*, E. T. Koroishi, F. A. B. Quirino, F.W.R Rivarola, E. A. Boss,
G.W.C. Oliveira, M. R. Wolf Maciel, R. Maciel Filho and L.C. Medina1
State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Laboratory of Optimization, Design and
Advanced Control – LOPCA, P.O.box: 6066 – Zip Code 13081-970 –
Campinas – SP – Brazil, phone: +55 19 37883971, fax: +55 19 37883965,
(1) Processos Valoração de Petróleo, CENPES/PDP/TPAP/PETROBRAS
*author to whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail address:
Due to the limited global oil reserves, more and more heavy crudes are being processed.
These crudes contain large amounts of asphaltenes and resins. The Residuum Oil
Supercritical Extraction (ROSE™) process is the premier deasphalting technology
available in industry today. This state-of-the-art process extracts high-quality
deasphalted oil (DAO) and asphaltenes from atmospheric or vacuum residues and other
feedstocks. Depending on the solvent selection, the DAO can be an excellent feedstock
for catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, or lube oil blending. The energy consumption in
supercritical extraction is considerably lower than in conventional extraction, which
requires a higher ratio of solvent to crude. The use of supercritical fluid has some
advantages such as higher yield and improved quality of the valuable DAO and
asphaltenes product, and recovery of supercritical solvent, reducing significantly
operating غير مجاز مي باشدts compared to other solvent deasphalting processes. This work presents a
new method for petroleum deasphalting. This new proposal involves the extraction of
the residue fractions of the vacuum distillation using supercritical pentane as solvent.
The development of the deasphaltation technology using supercritical fluid appears as a
solution to improve the separation of the deasphalted oil (ODEs) from the asphaltenes.
The studied process showed that there was an improvement in both amount and quality
of the obtained products (DAO and asphaltenes

جداسازي آسفالتين و نفت روغني از نفت پسماندتوسط آسفالتين زدايي فوق بحراني

به علت محدود شدن ذخاير نفت جهاني، نفت هاي خام سنگين بيشتر و بيشتر مورد پردازش قرار گرفته است. اين نفت هاي خام مقادير زيادي آسفالتين و رزين در بر دارند. امروزه فرايند استخراج فوق بحراني نفت باقيمانده (ROSE™) برترين تكنولوژي قابل استفادهدر صنايع است.اين فرايند نفت بدون آسفالتين (DAO) و آسفالتين ها را از باقيمانده هاي اتمسفري يا خلا و ديگر مواد اوليه استخراج مي كند. بسته به انتخاب حلال DAO مي تواند خوراك بسيار عالي براي كراكينگ كاتاليزوري، هيدروكراكينگ ويا مخلوط روغن موتور باشد. مصرف انرژي در استخراج فوق بحراني به طور قابل توجهي پايين تر از استخراج مرسوم است كه نيازمند نسبت بالاتري از حلال به نفت خام مي باشد. استفاده از سيال فوق بحراني مزايايي از جمله بازدهي بالاتر ،بهبود كيفيت DAO و آسفالتين هاي باارزش محصول ، بازيابي حلال فوق بحراني، كاهش قابل توجه هزينه هاي عملياتي در مقايسه با ديگر حلال هاي فرايند آسفالتين زدايي دارد.اين كار ارائه يك روش جديد براي آسفالتين زدايي نفت است. اين پيشنهاد جديد، استخراج بخش پسماند تقطير تحت خلا با استفاده از پنتان فوق بحراني به عنوان حلال را شامل مي شود. به نظر مي رسد توسعه تكنولوژي آسفالتين زدايي با استفاده از سيال فوق بحراني، به عنوان يك راهكار براي بهبود جداسازي نفت دي آسفالته از آسفالتين ها مطرح شده است. فرايند مورد مطالعه بهبود در مقدار و كيفيت محصولات به دست آمده (DAO و آسفالتين ها) را نشان داد.

بازدید : 89
11 زمان : 1399:2

The A-Z of Health and Safety

The A-Z of Health and Safety

Jeremy W. Stranks
Thorogood Publishing, 2006 - Business & Economics - 637 pages - pdf

The A-Z of Health and Safety is a major new reference work by an acknowledged expert in an area of crucial importance to every British organization, large and small, private and public. With over 100 entries arranged in an accessible index format, this extensive and fully up to date book covers everything that the Health & Safety professional needs to know in order to conform with both the law and best practice.

Health and safety law and practice has changed considerably in recent years. We live in an increasingly litigious society and managers and owners face a growing number of responsibilities and obligations. With its risk assessment-based approach, this book provides a clear, expert summary of the law, issues, risks and obligations under each of the topics covered.

The range of entries is extensive and the guidance both expert and practical. This book will prove a constant source of reference and assurance to health and safety specialists across industry and commerce, HR professionals, engineering managers, lawyers, environmental health officers, safety representatives, lecturers and trainers and all those studying for degree level and NEBOSH qualifications. In addition, it will be invaluable to managers of organizations which do not have a health and safety or HR manager but who nevertheless need to know where they stand and what to do.

بازدید : 48
11 زمان : 1399:2

كتاب Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety

كتاب Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety

R. Scott Stricoff, Douglas B. Walters
Wiley, Apr 3, 1995 - Reference - 480 pages

Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety Second Edition This new edition of the critically acclaimed Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety was designed to help safety officers, laboratory managers, principal investigators, and laboratory workers bring lab health and safety into the twenty-first century. It does this by presenting a timely, complete, and easy-to-implement approach to ensuring a workplace that is safe for its workers as well as the surrounding community. Further, the handbook lays out guidelines to help laboratories comply with the requirements set by OSHA, the FPA, FDA, DOT, DEA, and other relevant regulatory agencies. While the overall philosophy that made the first edition so successful has remained the same, the book has been extensively revised and updated to reflect all new regulations and technical advances that have occurred in the field over the past five years. In addition, this Second Edition now features a multitude of sample forms, checklists, protocols, and other valuable documents that will become an indispensable part of any laboratory health and safety management program. A valuable reference tool for those seeking detailed information and guidance on specific safety and health issues, Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety, Second Edition is also much more. By providing a set of clear, easy-to-follow guidelines that serve as a rational frame-work for creating site-specific health and safety requirements, it, in effect, arms laboratory managers with a solid foundation upon which to build—or reengineer—a comprehensive program for identifying, managing, and controlling health and safety hazards in the laboratory. All of the authors’ recommended guidelines are clearly presented in the section entitled "Suggested Laboratory Health and Safety Guidelines." Each chapter of the handbook refers to the relevant sections of the Suggested Guidelines, explains the basis for the recommendations, and provides guidance on how to comply. Offering a feasible, easily implemented approach to designing and maintaining a safe workplace, Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety is an indispensable tool for all those responsible for safeguarding the health and safety of lab workers and the residents of the ambient community.

بازدید : 50
11 زمان : 1399:2

Nonlinear frequency analysis of nanotubes with surface effects

Nonlinear frequency analysis of nanotubes with surface effects

In the current work we obtained exact solution for nonlinear free vibration of nanotubes (NTs) with surface effects incorporated to Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and von Karman geometric nonlinearity. We used Jacobi elliptic functions to obtain the nonlinear natural frequencies. Normalized nonlinear natural frequencies and the phase trajectory were studied with the presence of surface effects. This study might be helpful to design NT-based devices in a wide range of applications.

بازدید : 58
11 زمان : 1399:2

Surface Energy Effects on Thermo-mechanical Properties of Hollow Nanospheres

Surface Energy Effects on Thermo-mechanical Properties of Hollow Nanospheres

In this research, thermal displacement and stress fields in an initially stress-free hollow nanosphere due to constant temperature changes are analyzed according to linear theory of thermoelasticity. Surface effects are considered because of large surface-to-volume ratio in nanoscales. Closed form solutions are derived and results are demonstrated with numerical examples to examine the effects of size and surface energy. It is shown that thermal displacement and stress components are extremely size dependent and are effectively influenced by surface energy. This study might be helpful for the design and control of MEMS, NEMS and nanodevices

بازدید : 46
11 زمان : 1399:2

ساخت Cantilever ميكروسكوپ نيروي اتمي Fabrication of AFM cantilevers

ساخت Cantilever ميكروسكوپ نيروي اتمي Fabrication of AFM cantilevers

در اين مقاله ، تكنولوژي ساخت Cantileverميكروسكوپ نيروي اتمي به روش Self-Sharpening nano Silicon وپيزوالكتريك پايه ALN مورد بررسي قرار گرفته است . tip هاي نانو سيليكون ، بوسيله تكنولوژي اچ تر ناهمسانگرد و مكانيزم خود تيز شو(Self Sharpening) با استفاده از ماسكهاي مخصوص 3 و 5 وجهي توليد مي گردند

بازدید : 94
11 زمان : 1399:2

كتاب ارباب حلقه ها The Lord of the Rings همراه با كتاب صوتي

كتاب ارباب حلقه ها The Lord of the Rings همراه با كتاب صوتي

بي شك كتاب ارباب حلقه ها The Lord of the Rings كه توسط جي آر آر تالكين J.R.R. Tolkien نوشته شده است، از برترين آثار ادبي در طول تاريخ محسوب مي شود كه با استقبال بي نظيري در سراسر جهان روبرو شده است. با نگاهي به ليست پرفروش ترين كتاب ها خواهيد ديد كه اين كتاب در صدر قرار دارد.

ما در اين مجموعه علاوه بر كتاب فايل صوتي آنرا نيز در اختيار شما قرار داده ايم. با گوش كردن آن از داستان جذاب و گيرا و نگارش استادانه كتاب لذت ببريد. ضمنا مهارت شنيداري Listening خود را نيز افزايش دهيد.

زبان: انگليسي

تعداد صفحات: 1130

فرمت فايل ها: PDF و MP3

حجم فايل كتاب: 11.1 MB

حجم فايل هاي صوتي: 538 MB

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Email: kamrani.farzin@gmail.com

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بازدید : 115
11 زمان : 1399:2

تعداد صفحات : 411

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